I have benefits

Payment of your benefit

Your benefit will be transferred at the end of the month. On this page you can see the payment dates. If you apply for an allowance from the Tax Authorities (for rent, care or childcare), you must enter the gross annual amount that you will receive in payment. These amounts can be found in the second table on this page.

When will my benefit be paid?

Payment dates in 2025

 January  27-01-2025
 February  28-02-2025
 March  28-03-2025
 April  28-04-2025
 May  28-05-2025
 holiday bonus  30-05-2025
 June  27-06-2025
 July  28-07-2025
 August  28-08-2025
 September  29-09-2025
 October  28-10-2025
 November  28-11-2025
 December  23-12-2025


There may be reasons that your benefit is paid later. For example, if you have income and still need to submit data. We can only pay the benefit when all your details have been received.


How much gross benefit will I receive?

The social assistance benefit is a net benefit. To apply for benefits at the tax authorities, you must enter the gross annual amount. Do you have any other income besides your social assistance benefit? Then you must deduct this income from your gross benefit. The final gross annual amount of your benefit is stated on your annual statement. You will receive the annual statement of the previous year in February.

The provisional gross annual benefits for 2024 for the various social assistance standards can be seen below.


 Payment   Gross annual amount 
 married  €12,124 each
 Married without children with 1 partner > 21 yrs, other < 21 yrs  €7,403 each
 Married with children where 1 partner > 21 yrs, other < 21 yrs  €9,604 each
 Married without children both < 21 yrs  €3,803 each
 Married with children both < 21 yrs  €6,004 each
 Single parent (70% norm couple)  € 19.107
 Single (70% norm couple)  € 19.107
 Single < 21 yrs  € 3.803
 Cost sharer (2) 50%  € 12.124
 Cost sharer (3) 43.33 %  € 9.795
 Cost sharer (4) 40.00 %  € 8.803
 Cost sharer (5) 38.00 %  € 8.363
 Cost sharer (6) 36.67 %  € 8.070
 Cost sharer (7) 35.71 %  € 7.859
 Cost sharer (8) 35,00%  € 7.702
 Cost sharer without children where 1 partner < 21  € 7.403
 Cost sharer with children where 1 partner < 21  € 11.975
 Single person in institution  € 5.382
 Married in institution  €4,363 each