The costs of school-age children can be quite high. Think of:
- the school trip
- the sports or scouting association
- music lesson
- transport to school
- a laptop for homework.
You can request reimbursement for these costs at
Scholarship Foundation.
Why not apply for special assistance?
Stichting Leergeld reimburses more costs. You can also receive a reimbursement for swimming lessons (up to diploma B) or clothing for a sports club. The special assistance does not reimburse these costs. In addition, Stichting Leergeld may give more laptops to a family, if it turns out that this is necessary. When applying for special assistance, the rule always applies: 1 laptop per household.
What do I get reimbursed?
In 2022 you can contact Stichting Leergeld for:
- reimbursement of school supplies such as gym clothes, school bag and agenda;
- a laptop if the school informs you that this is necessary;
- a reimbursement for a bicycle or children's holiday week.
More information
If you have any questions, please contact Stichting Leergeld by sending an email to info@leergeldtilburg.nl, or call 013 580 12 11 (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning
from 9 a.m. to 12 noon). For more information and the conditions, please visit the website: www.leergeld.nl/tilburg.