Not sure where your money is going? Are you short of money at the end of the month? Do you ever have trouble paying a bill on time? Don't keep walking around with this, but ask for help!
Debt counseling is not just for people with large debts. You can also go there for information and advice for your personal financial situation. Together with you, we want to prevent you from getting into debt or your financial situation becoming difficult to improve. It's never too late for our help.
Budget course 'coming out with income'
In the course you will learn everything about money matters and administration in 4 digital lessons. The course is free. A new course will start on Tuesday 10 May in MFA Het Spoor (Schaepmanstraat 36) in Tilburg. There is an online workshop especially for zzp on Thursday 19 May.
You can register for the course digital.
More information
- For more information, go to www.tilburg.nl.
- Send an e-mail to geldzaken@tilburg.nl.
- Or call Debt Assistance via 013-5833250.