Income & Debt
Do you have to report a change to Work & Income because something has changed in your situation? This will change from November 14, 2023. From now on, you will submit your changes digitally. You will then no longer receive a new change form by post. You can arrange this yourself 24 hours a day via our website. You can also track the status digitally via www.tilburg.nl/mijngemeente and you can be sure that your information will arrive.
How does it work?
- You can access the page from November 7, 2023 Report change Complete the change form digitally.
- You log in with your DigiD.
- Do you have a partner? Then you report the change together. Your partner must then also log in with DigiD.
- You must immediately send any attachments that relate to your change.
- If you don't have all the pieces yet, you can also add them later via tilburg.nl/mijngemeente. Do this as quickly as possible. We can then process your change quickly.
- You can submit multiple changes at once. You do not have to log in again for every change.
Please see the page for more information Report change.
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