Do you have to submit an income statement every month because you have income in addition to your benefit? Then you will now receive it every month by post. This will change from 1 January 2023. You will then no longer receive an income statement by post, but digitally. You can arrange this yourself 24 hours a day. You can also track the status digitally via and you are sure that your information will arrive.
How does it work?
- From January 2023 you will receive a link from us to your email address every month.
- You click on the link in the email and log in with your DigiD.
- You fill in the income statement digitally.
- If you have additional information, such as your pay slip or bank statement, please send it along immediately.
- If you don't have all the pieces yet, you can also add them later via
If you have to fill in an income statement every month, you will soon receive an extensive letter from us with the new working method.
For more information, see the Income page next to your benefit. Visit page Income next to your benefit >. You can also fill in the income statement here if you still have to submit it.