'Ready for the start' is a training from Tilburg Actief. Tilburg Actief is a team of trainers from Work & Income. During the training you make a personal plan for the future. You think about what you want to change in your life and within what period. You indicate what you will do yourself and what support you need. When you have completed the training, you will start working with your coach. In total there are 12 workouts.
What is it?
In this training you will make a personal plan for the future. You think about which changes you want in your life and within which period. You indicate what you will do yourself and what support you need. After you have completed the training, you will get started with your coach. In total there are 12 workouts.
The first workout
You will work on one of the themes in the future plan. Each theme addresses the following questions:
- What is going well and where do you want to improve?
- What steps do you want to take?
- What do you need for this?
The follow-up training
In the follow-up training you will actively work towards the goals. At the end of the module you will have a future plan that states what your goal is, how you will achieve it and you have taken the first steps to achieve your goal.
These are the themes:
- Getting to know each other and motivations
- Set goals
- Who am I and what can I do? (traits and skills)
- Circle of Influence
- Communication and feedback
- Conflicting interests
- Volunteer work
- Winner's triangle
- Time management
- Lifestyle
- My plan
- Where am I now?
What is the goal?
At the end of this training you will know which new steps you can take. You can think of volunteer work, a social assistance program, paid work or activities in a community center.
How long does it take?
Ready to go takes 6 weeks. In those 6 weeks you will receive 12 modules of 3.5 hours each.
For who is it?
'Ready for the Start' is for everyone who is literally ready for the start! If you have been less active for a while, this is the right tool. It does not matter whether you have short-term or long-term benefits. If you are available for at least 10 hours per week and speak the Dutch language sufficiently, you can participate. Please contact your client director if you would like to participate in this training.
What does the contact look like?
You report to the counter at the indicated time. We will pick you up and drink coffee or tea first. We discuss the agenda when the group is complete (maximum 12 participants and 2 trainers). In the first training you get to know each other. Every morning or afternoon a different theme is central. A fixed part is your future plan. You work yourself, in groups, interacting with the trainers, playing games, etc. We take a break in between. You continue to fill in your future plan every half day. We end each day by asking how you experienced the training. We can then improve the training with the tips. After the training you will hopefully go home satisfied and with new inspiration.