Sports and exercise coach
Do you want to get moving again, but you don't know how or do you see all kinds of barriers? The sports and exercise coach can help you remove all these barriers! This coach will look with you at which way of exercising and exercising suits you. He asks questions about your wishes and your options.
After an initial meeting, he proposes a number of sports or exercise activities. He also explains why he thinks these activities are right for you. Does it appeal to you? Then the coach will look for a number of sports or exercise providers where you can get started. Interested? Then the coach arranges an introductory lesson at the sports association.
The coach will also guide you after this lesson. This way you don't have to deal with all the bumps alone. The coach is also present during your introduction to the sports club. If you want, you can ask him to join you. Do you like it? Then you can register and become a member. Costs You must pay for the membership yourself. You can often also find the participation scheme for use. Don't like it? Then you look together for another sports or exercise activity.
What is it?
Do you want to get moving again, but you don't know how or do you see all kinds of barriers? The sports and exercise coach can help you remove all these barriers! This coach will look with you at which way of exercising and exercising suits you. He asks questions about your wishes and your options.
After an initial meeting, he proposes a number of sports or exercise activities. He also explains why he thinks these activities are right for you. Does it appeal to you? Then the coach will look for a number of sports or exercise providers where you can get started. Interested? Then the coach arranges an introductory lesson at the sports association.
The coach will also guide you after this lesson. So you don't have to take all the bumps alone. The coach is also present when you meet the sports club. If you want, you can ask him to join. Do you like it? Then you can register yourself and become a member. Don't like it? Then you search together for another sport or exercise activity.
What is the goal?
- Find a sport or exercise activity that suits you.
- A place where you can be yourself.
- A place where you can exercise or move at your own level.
How long does it take?
It usually takes a few weeks until you have found a suitable sports or exercise provider. During that search you have at least one live meeting with your coach. You will then be contacted by telephone or e-mail. If you have found a club together with your coach, you agree with your coach how often you have contact with each other. This can be 1x or 3x. Do you decide to become a member of the sports association? Then we will watch with you for another year. Usually this is a telephone contact to discuss whether you are still enjoying yourself at the sports or exercise provider.
For who is it?
The sports and exercise coach is for anyone who wants to work on their physical health. You can also participate if you have a disability.
What does the contact look like?
If you receive help from the sports and exercise coach, it is not the case that you are working on a program all day long. The sports and exercise coach will talk to you, ask questions and do a search for you. The exercise and participating in the activity is up to you. You choose how intensively you want to do that.