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On trial with an employer

You can work with an employer for a few months on a trial basis. During this period, the employer and you can find out whether you are a good fit.

1. What is it?

You work for a few months on a trial basis with an employer while retaining your benefit. During this period, the employer and you can find out whether you are a good fit.

2. What is the goal?

The goal is to gain work experience. Through a trial placement you get to know the work and the employer well. You also increase the chances of finding a paid job. You will not receive a salary during the trial placement. You will keep your benefit. If you do not receive a benefit, you will have no income during that period.

3. How long does it take?

1 to a maximum of 3 months.

4. For who is it?

For everyone. Note: it is unpaid work, so we usually use the trial placement for people on benefits.

5. What does the contact look like?

You have contact with the work broker and/or account manager and the employer. Your client director also receives this information.