Training & Practical experience

Get a certificate

Would you like to work in an industry, but do you need a certificate? No problem. We offer you the opportunity to obtain that certificate. Think, for example, of a forklift or VCA certificate.

1. What is it?

Would you like to work in an industry, but do you need a certificate? No problem. We offer you the opportunity to obtain that certificate. Think, for example, of a forklift or VCA certificate.

2. What is the goal?

With a certificate (diploma) you show that you meet certain requirements. It also helps to find a job faster.

3. How long does it take?

Usually you need 1 or 2 days of classes and an exam at the end.

4. For who is it?

If you really want to work in a certain profession or industry, but you don't have the right diplomas (certificates) (anymore). You need these diplomas to show that you can do something well and/or meet certain requirements.

5. What does the contact look like?

You are in contact with the real estate agent. The real estate agent will register you for the course. You also have contact with a teacher of the course.

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