I have benefits

Report change

Has anything changed in your situation? Please inform us as soon as possible. Sometimes you are entitled to more or less benefit. Do this via the change form. From now on you can submit all your changes digitally. Below you can read everything about reporting changes.

Something in my situation changes, what should I do?

If something changes in your situation, you must report this. You do this with a change form.

From November 14, 2023, you must complete the change form by logging in with your DigiD. Do you have a partner and do you receive benefits together? Then your partner must also log in with DigiD and you must report the change together.

You always report the following changes:

  • Your living situation. For example, you are going to live together or someone is coming to live with you. Or someone who lives with you leaves.
  • You or your partner start or stop working.
  • You or your partner receive income other than from work. Income other than work includes, for example, other benefits, alimony and income from rental.
  • You or your partner will have more assets. Assets are everything you own. For example, land, buildings, savings, jewelry, antiques, art, inheritance. Furthermore, the value of savings certificates, securities and shares also falls under capital. The surrender value of your life insurance and cryptocurrency (e.g. bitcoins) is also assets. Your household goods such as washing machine, furniture and refrigerator do not fall under assets.
  • You or your partner have bought or sold a vehicle.
  • You or your partner start or stop training.
  • You or your partner are in detention.

Does your change not fit with one of the above topics and are you unsure whether you should report it? Then choose the other option and enter your changes there.

Report changes in Work & Income > 


I'm going to work (again)

If you are going to work, always inform your legality consultant on time. Are you going to work part-time? In that case, we will supplement your wages up to the social assistance standard that applies to you. If you work, you complete the Income Statement every month. You must also add proof of your income (for example, salary slip). We use this to calculate how much (additional) benefit you are entitled to. Your benefit will not be paid until you have submitted the data.

Sometimes you do not immediately know whether your income is higher or lower than the benefit. You must also complete the Income Statement. If it turns out that your income is higher than the benefit for a few months, we will stop the benefit. It is important that you continue to submit the statement. Even if you notice that you no longer need the benefit. Are you not doing this? Then nothing will be paid, but your benefit will still continue unnecessarily. You may even receive a warning or fine because you fail to comply with the information obligation.

If you lose your job again in a month after the end date of your benefit, please contact your eligibility consultant. They can then recover your benefit. You must then hand in the pay slips of your hours worked to him/her.

Will you lose your job more than one month after your benefits stop? Then you must apply for benefits again. There may still be a shortened application procedure. It is important what the reason is that you lose your job. Sometimes you will first receive a benefit from the UWV. For example, a sickness benefit (zw) or unemployment benefit (WW). These benefits take precedence over the social assistance benefit. If this benefit is lower than the social assistance standard, you can apply for a supplement.

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I'm moving

  1. Geef je verhuizing online door aan de gemeente (DigiD verplicht) of bel 14 103 voor een afspraak.
  2. Geef daarna je nieuwe adres door aan de afdeling Werk & Inkomen (Klik op de oranje knop).

Adreswijziging doorgeven > 

Verhuis je binnen Tilburg?

Dan vragen wij gegevens bij je op, zoals het huurcontract en een bewijs van betaling van de huur. Wij moeten namelijk onderzoeken of je nieuwe woonsituatie gevolgen heeft voor je uitkering.

Verhuis je buiten Tilburg?

Are you moving to another city? Then your benefit in the municipality of Tilburg will be stopped. You can then apply for a new benefit from the municipality where you will be living.

I have a new bank account number

Do you have social assistance benefits and a new bank account number? Complete the 'Change bank account number' form. At the end of the form you must add a digital statement of your new bank account. So make sure you have it at hand when you start working on the form.

Provide your new bank account number >

I'm going to live together

Are you going to live together? Then you must apply for a benefit together. We will then check whether you are entitled to a joint social assistance benefit. The social assistance standard for married/cohabiting couples is € 1,708.08 (including holiday pay). If you live together, your partner's income also counts as your income. If you have more income together than the social assistance standard, you are not entitled to the benefit. The benefit you had will then be stopped. We also look at your assets. If you have more assets than € 15,210.00 together, you are not entitled to social assistance benefits.

It can of course be exciting to move in together. You don't always know in advance whether things will go well. It may be nice to try it for a while first. The municipality of Tilburg has therefore started the 'acquaintance period', during which you can live together on a trial basis under certain conditions. You can try cohabitation for a maximum of 6 months without anything changing in your benefit. Do you want to participate in this? Please contact a legality consultant. Your consultant will then discuss all the conditions with you and assess whether you can participate in the trial.

These are the conditions:

  • You must make the application together with your partner. Even if your partner does not receive benefits.
  • To assess the application, we need information from both of you.
  • You must both keep your own address during the trial period.
  • You must inform your host(s) about your participation in the trial to avoid any problems.
  • Have you ever lived together, do you have a child together, have you been married or is there a cohabitation contract? Then you cannot participate in the test. You must also not have made any preparations for a marriage or registered partnership.

Report changes in Work & Income > 

I'm getting a divorce

If you are getting a divorce, you must report this with an amendment form. We will then start an investigation to see whether you are entitled to benefits separately from each other. And if so, how much that is. This depends on your situation. For example, do you still live together or has one of you already left? If so, where to?

A joint benefit is often paid into one account number. It is therefore important that we have the correct account number for both of you. You must provide a new account number with a 'reporting form for new account number'. Please include proof of the invoice. For example, a photo of the bank card.

In addition, it is of course important that the divorce is continued and that it is pronounced by the court. As a result, you are no longer registered as married.

Report changes in Work & Income > 

My (youngest) child is turning 18

Benefit changes
  • Single parent: If your children are older than 18, you are no longer a single parent according to the law, but a single parent. The amount of your benefit does not change, but if single person can you have less power than if single parent. As a single person parent may you have € 15,210.00 and if single person half € 7,605.00. This is because any assets of your minor children are also regarded as your assets. Once your children are 18 years old, this is no longer the case. That is why, as a single person, you may have less assets to receive the benefit. If your assets exceed the stated amounts, the payment will be (temporarily) stopped. When your youngest child turns 18, we must therefore conduct an investigation into your assets.
  • Married with children: The benefit that you receive as a married person does not change when the youngest child turns 18 years old. Your power limit also remains the same.
Other changes

When your child turns 18, a lot changes anyway. For example, the child benefit and the child budget will be cancelled.

If necessary, your child can apply for social assistance from the age of 18.

Report changes in Work & Income > 

My child turns 27

If your child living at home turns 27, but is still studying, this will not affect your benefit. If your child is no longer studying and turns 27, he/she will be seen as a 'cost sharer'. This means that he/she is expected to contribute to the costs of fixed costs and household expenses. For that reason, your benefit will be reduced. This is called the cost sharing standard. It makes no difference whether your child actually has income or not. For example, if your child is unable to work, he/she may be able to receive benefits and thus contribute to the costs.

The level of the cost-sharing standard (KDN) is:

2-person household (you and 1 cost sharer): € 854.04 including holiday pay.

3-person household (you and 2 cost sharers): € 740.17 including holiday pay

4-person household (you and 3 cost sharers): € 683.23 including holiday pay.

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My child aged 27 or older stops studying

If your child (or other co-resident) stops studying, he/she will be seen as a cost sharer from that moment on. It is important that you inform us in time. This prevents you from getting too much benefit.

Report changes in Work & Income > 

I get an inheritance

The amount of the inheritance determines what happens to your benefit. We see an inheritance as assets. You are allowed to have a certain amount of assets without this having any impact on your benefits. Is the inheritance less than this amount? Then nothing will change in your benefit. Is the inheritance higher? Then we will stop the benefit. You then have to 'enter'. This means that you have to live off the money from your inheritance/capital. Only when you have done this economically and your assets have fallen below the limit again, can you receive benefits again.

If you are going to receive an inheritance, you must report this immediately via the change form. An inheritance is often only paid out later. Until then, the benefit will continue as normal. As soon as you receive the inheritance, we will stop the payment. We do this retroactively from the date of death of the person from whom you inherited the money. This means that too much benefit has been paid out. You must pay this back.

Report changes in Work & Income > 

I receive a pension payment

If you receive a pension, you must always report this. We regard a periodic payment of pension as income and will be deducted from your benefit. Are you buying off your pension? Then we see this as power. Note: there are exceptions. In some cases we see the commutation as income, for example in the case of a survivor's pension.

Report changes in Work & Income > 

I am entitled to AOW

When you reach the state pension age, you are no longer entitled to social assistance benefits. Then you need a Apply for AOW benefit from the Social Insurance Bank (SVB). If you are married and you or your partner are entitled to AOW, the other person is no longer entitled to social assistance. Is the AOW benefit too low? Then you can a request a supplement from the SVB.

Report changes in Work & Income > 

I got a gift

You may receive a maximum of € 1,800 in donations per year. Do you get more? Then the portion above € 1,800 is added to your assets. A gift is something you receive once. If someone gives you money (or groceries) every month, we no longer see this as a gift. We can then see it as income.

Report changes in Work & Income > 

I get compensation

Compensation can take many different forms. Sometimes the reimbursement affects your benefit, sometimes not. Do you receive compensation? Always pass this on. You must then submit an overview stating how the amount of the compensation has been built up. Then we can assess what the reimbursement means for your benefit. You can request the overview from your insurer or from your representative in the case (for example, a claims lawyer or lawyer).

Report changes in Work & Income > 

I'm going on vacation or I'm going abroad

If you receive benefits, you can go abroad for 4 weeks (28 days) per calendar year. You can divide the period yourself (Saturday and Sunday also count). For example, 2×2 weeks or 1×4 weeks. What is not allowed is recording the days of 2 years in a row. So not 4 weeks in December and 4 weeks in January. Then the stay is longer than 4 weeks and that is not permitted. The day of departure does not count. The day of return, yes. You must always report your stay abroad. You can report this digitally.

Are you going away for more than 28 days? Then you have to report after the holiday with your passport and travel documents. This can be a boarding pass, the bill from the campsite or hotel or stamps on your passport. Do you do that on time? Your benefit will then be resumed. The benefit is interrupted for the period that you have been abroad for too long. You will not receive any benefit during that period. Do you not register (on time)? Then it is possible that your benefit will be stopped.

Report your stay abroad or outside the municipality of Tilburg >