The municipality of Tilburg is increasingly working on the basis of trust, with room for personal attention and customization. Last year we adjusted our policy with a number of tests. An example of this is 'trial cohabitation', but also the additional income and development premium.
– Additional income premium (September 1, 2021-September 1, 2022)
Those who started working part-time may have received the additional income premium. This allowed you to keep 25% of your income from work (maximum 219 euros per month).
– Development premium (March 1, 2022 – September 1, 2022)
If you receive sufficient income from work, the benefit will stop. After six months, your contact person will contact you to see whether you are entitled to the development premium. With the development premium you could develop yourself further in your work.
We hoped that the additional income premium would make it more attractive to work. And the development premium made it easier to keep working. Unfortunately, the results of these tests were disappointing. That is why the Board has decided not to apply the development and additional income premium after 1 September 2022.