Good health insurance is important. That is why we offer group health insurance together with CZ and VGZ. You will then be properly insured and the municipality will pay part of your premium directly to the health insurer. Are you already collectively insured through the municipality and are you satisfied with your current health care policy? Then you don't have to do anything.
Would you like to know whether a different care package suits you better?
Will you need more or less care next year? You can compare the different care packages from CZ and VGZ at www.Gezondverzekerd.nl.
Information meeting on Thursday 8 December
Do you have a question about the care packages of CZ or VGZ? Or do you want help with your application? Then come to the information meeting. Employees of CZ, VGZ and the municipality are happy to help you!
Place: Library Center LocHal (Burg. Brokxlaan 1000)
Date: Thursday December 8
Time: 9 a.m. -12 p.m or between 2 p.m. to 5 p.m
Are you not yet collectively insured through the municipality?
You can switch until 31 December 2022. For more information, go to www.tilburg.nl/zorgverzekering.
Need help with the application?
Ask your family or loved ones for help. For help with registering or switching to a different care package, you can also contact the volunteers of the Forms Help. View on www.homeadministration.info for consultation hours in your area.
More information
Do you have questions about your health care policy, reimbursements, payments or the deductible? Or would you like advice on which care package suits you best? Contact the insurer.
088 555 77 77
088-13 11 611