Jan (35) comes from the hospital and is temporarily unable to live at home. He needs care and decides to live with his mother until he is better. Jan expects to be able to go home in a few months. His mother is on social assistance. Jan has income from work. His mother contacts Werk en Inkomen to inform her that her son is living with her temporarily. She asks her contact person whether this has consequences for her benefit. She has heard about the cost-sharing norm.
Temporary and necessary
It is clear that Jan temporary comes to live with his mother to recover from the operation. It is also necessarybecause Jan needs care. For these two reasons, it has no consequences for the amount of the mother's benefit. It would have consequences for her benefits, if there were no necessity or if Jan came to live with her forever.
Rent allowance
Jan keeps his own home and remains registered at that address. This temporary situation has no consequences for the rent allowance. This is different if Jan does not own a home and is registered at his mother's address. Then it does have consequences for the rent allowance, but not for the cost-sharing standard. This is because Jan temporarily lives with his mother, because he needs necessary care.