Income & Debt
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Individual income supplement

The individual income supplement is an amount of money for people who have been living on a low income for five years or more. The partner's income also counts.

According to our information, are you entitled to this allowance? Then you will receive a letter with a reply slip at the end of March. Fill in the reply slip, put it in the envelope and send it. The amount will be on your account within six weeks after we have received your reply slip. Have you not received a letter from us by April 7? Then apply for the individual income supplement yourself. You do this with your DigiD

Individual income supplement amounts for 2023

  • € 906 for married/cohabiting couples with children aged 12 to 17 inclusive
  • € 666 for married/cohabiting couples without children or with children under the age of 12
  • €600 for a single parent
  • € 466 for a single person
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