In Tilburg, residents with social assistance benefits can live together on a trial basis. This has been tested until September 2022. The participants so far are positive about the trial and appreciate the experiment. Living together on a trial basis often led to permanent cohabitation and peace of mind for all involved. Particularly because the financial consequences of cohabitation become clear. That is why the municipality is continuing with 'Living together on a trial basis'.
How does it work?
- You report that you want to start living together with Werk en Inkomen;
- You both keep your own home and pay all housing costs (rent/mortgage, energy, water and insurance);
- We agree in advance how many months you need to decide whether you want to live together permanently;
- Do you decide this is permanent? Then you are both no longer entitled to social assistance benefits as a single (parent). Depending on the joint income and assets, you may be entitled to a benefit together for a married couple.
Working from trust
“Previously, residents who moved in together had to deal directly with the consequences for their benefits. This made the step to start living together more difficult, or a reason not to report it to Work and Income," said Alderman Esmah Lahlah of Social Security: "Due to the trial period, our residents on welfare can now take this step more easily and in all openness. This is important, because living together often has a positive effect on the well-being and well-being of our residents. This new approach is more in line with our approach of personal attention, customization and trust.”
Tilburg introduced cohabitation on a trial basis last year as an addition to the rules of the Participation Act. At the moment, various municipalities have adopted the Tilburg pilot and the minister has also indicated that the trial fits within the rules of the Participation Act.