Almost at work

Fast on your way!

'Quickly on your way' is a digital training from Werk & Inkomen. The training is for Tilburg residents who want to get back to work quickly. You will work remotely with your coach. Together you will look at steps you can take to get back to work. You will also receive an explanation of how best to do this. In the training you will also find vlogs and training sessions from the coaches.

1. What is it?


This training is for Tilburg residents who want to get back to work quickly. You will work remotely with your coach. Together you will see what steps you can take to get back to work. You will also receive an explanation of how best to do this:

  • create a resume
  • write a good cover letter
  • effective job search
  • presenting yourself during an interview with an employer


2. What is the goal?

You will be prepared to get back to work in no time. After the training you know where to look for work that suits you. You now know the best way to apply.

3. How long does it take?

The training lasts 4 weeks. You have contact with your coach at least once a week, this can also be more often. You agree on this together.

4. For who is it?

If you have just applied for benefits, this training could be of benefit to you. If the Work & Income employee estimates that you can get back to work quickly, he or she can register you for this.

If you have been receiving benefits for a while and you also think that this is what you need, please contact your client director. In order to participate, it is in any case important that you are digitally skilled and that you speak the Dutch or English language sufficiently.

5. What does the contact look like?

The trainer will contact you for an introductory meeting. You look together at what you want help with. You will receive an e-mail with vlogs and theme magazines about applying. At home you watch the vlogs and theme magazines and see what is useful for you. You are actively applying. Via Microsoft Teams (video calling) and by e-mail you will work with the trainer on your application skills.

You will further improve your CV, letter and/or presentation. Every week you have an appointment digitally and in between you have contact via Whatsapp and email. You create a search strategy and a plan with the trainer to find a job that interests you. Sometimes you can get started within 4 weeks!