Civic integration

Integration in Tilburg

When you integrate, a lot comes at you. That starts with arranging the first important things. Such as a house, money and registering with the municipality and general practitioner. You will learn how to do this yourself in the future. You also immediately receive language lessons and lessons about Dutch society.

During this period you will meet your permanent contact person at the municipality of Tilburg: your customer manager. He/she will guide you through the integration process. Together with your director you make a plan for your integration. This includes your goals and what you will learn. This consists in any case of language lessons and activities, such as training courses and workshops. You will also start working or volunteering as soon as possible, so that you can quickly find your way independently in Tilburg and participate. The municipality pays for your integration.

This page contains all information about the organizations that help you integrate. The customer director of the municipality ensures that you end up with the right organization.