Ready to take first steps

Help finding volunteer work

Do you want to get started as a volunteer and do you want help with this? Please contact the ContourdeTwern volunteer point in your area. Experts are here for you to help you find a suitable place. In addition, you will be supported during the first period in your new job. If you haven't had a job for a while, that support can be nice in the beginning. The counselor can also accompany you to the first meeting at the organization where you will be doing volunteer work.

1. What is it?

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Do you want to get started as a volunteer and do you want help with this? Please contact the ContourdeTwern volunteer point in your area. Experts are here for you to help you find a suitable place. In addition, you will be supported during the first period in your new job. If you haven't had a job for a while, that support can be nice in the beginning. The counselor can also accompany you to the first meeting at the organization where you will be doing volunteer work.

2. What is the goal?

Getting off to a good start in a volunteer position.

3. How long does it take?

You will receive approximately 4 months of guidance from ContourdeTwern. Then you can work independently.

4. For who is it?

If you are not yet ready for paid work, but would like to be active again. Volunteering also makes a lot of people happy. ContourdeTwern provides you with the support you need.

No support needed? Check the website of Vrijwilligers Tilburg for all vacancies: VolunteersTilburg. Please discuss this with your client director first.

5. What does the contact look like?

The ContourdeTwern volunteer point will contact you for an introductory meeting. In this conversation you look at your wishes, ideas and possibilities for volunteering. What do you like to do, what gives you energy or what do you want to develop? The social worker will then look for you.

Did you find a nice volunteer job? Then you go for an interview with the organization. If the conversation goes well, you get started as soon as possible. You also have a few follow-up appointments to make sure everything is going well in your new place.